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Risqué Forté

Risqué (adj.): "Verging on impropriety or indecency" 
Forté (n.):"Something in which a person excels" 


Risqué Forté was created by Brazen Lee, as a platform to display artistic adult content. Given the stigma faced by sex workers and women of size, a platform outside of Brazen's "vanilla" life
was needed to peddle her erotic wares and stories


Brazen Lee

is a ridiculously privileged and blessed social justice warrior who spends way too much time on Facebook. White. 
Usually Poor. Survivor. Fat. Babe. Radical Trans-Inclusive Feminist Sex Worker. Vessel of Truth. Do-Gooder. Swimmer. Activist. Cyclist. Questioner. Writer. Artist. Boner-giver. Anti-racist settler living on Turtle Island, trying to get a firm grip on history.


She designs brilliantly, makes beautiful abstract art, writes erotica and is working on fictitious short stories. She also writes poetry when she's sad or too angry to form a proper sentence. 

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